Preparing for Your Tax Return

To streamline your tax return appointment with DJ Grigg Financial and ensure a smooth and efficient process, we recommend downloading our comprehensive Individual Tax Return Checklist. This checklist will guide you through the necessary documentation, helping you organise your records and ensuring that you have everything in order for your upcoming meeting with your tax accountant.

Download the checklist below now to make the most of your appointment time.

Below is some important information on what to provide your accountant to help your tax return preparation go run smoothly:

Declarable Income

Income can come from various sources. For a list of what income must be declared on your individual tax return visit the ATO website at:

It also contains information on what amounts do not need to be declared.

Information for Income and deductions for businesses can be found here:

Deduction Receipts

You do not need to provide all your physical receipts for your return. As long as they are in a filing system at home that you can produce if required, you do not have to submit the receipts for your tax return preparation.

As part of your deductions you will need to provide your accountant (if applicable):

  • A summary of the percentage your phone was used for work purposes
  • A total cost for further education you completed related to your job role. (Only out-of-pocket cost, not including any courses paid for by your company)
  • A summary of kilometers traveled for work (not including travelling from home to your workplace and return)
  • A summary of donations.
  • The number of overtime shift allowances paid.
  • A final payslip in case of allowances and other deductions.
  • If working from home, provide records of hours worked and expenses.

Do you want an idea of what can and cannot be included in your deductions? Click here.

Private Health Insurance Statement

Private Health Insurance providers send out their statements at different times throughout July and sometimes even into the following months. If you have cover, we cannot complete your return without your PHI statement. This means if you book in early to get it done, you will still have a wait for your refund.

Rental Schedule

In a case where there is a rental property to be declared on a tax return, you will need to provide the agents’ summary, rates notices, insurance premiums, mortgage interest paid, and repair costs summary.

Calculated Bank Interest

Bank interest is often not calculated by the banks until late, because of this, tax returns often need to be amended as it is one of the first things the ATO check. Therefore, please wait until your calculated bank interest is available before registering to have your tax returned prepared.