Tax Tips: Individuals Although tax returns for individuals are not due just yet, the financial year’s end is near. Get ahead now by preparing all the documents required for your tax return so you can get your tax done quickly and get any refund due to you in your bank! Income The Australian Taxation Office […]
Stressing About Your Work/Life Balance? Trying to get a perfect work/life balance can be a cause of stress in itself. If you are feeling the strain of building your business and maintaining your life, the good news is that stress and a productive existence can go hand in hand. Be mindful and you can find […]
Outsourcing: Could it Help your Business? When you run a small business, the amount of work can ebb and flow. Unexpectedly busy periods can create too much work and stress for a small team or one-person business. But if a surge is seasonal or unreliable, you don’t necessarily want to commit to taking on another […]
Buy or Lease? Business Plant and Equipment When your business needs new plant or equipment, what’s the best choice – buy or lease? The answer will depend on your circumstances, but the following considerations can help you weigh the options. The advantages of buying Buying gives you certainty and ownership at a higher upfront price […]
Cashflow Forecasting: Get Back in Control We all know that positive cashflow is the beating heart of any successful business. And with so many external pressures on your cash right now, it’s important to have one eye on the future. Cashflow forecasting is an increasingly important tool for any finance team. You can make well-informed […]
Tax Offsets Have Expired: Are You Affected? What is the $1,500 low and middle income tax offset (LMITO), and how will it affect my tax return in 2023? As you may have heard through various news channels and articles, millions of Australians are due to feel a sharp increase in their taxes which will result […]
Applying for a Business Loan? Here’s How. Need some extra cash to take your business to the next level but daunted by the loan process? You’re not alone. There’s a lot of paperwork and number-crunching involved. Before you start, remember that banks want your application to succeed, as the interest you pay is a vital […]
Family and Domestic Violence Leave – New Entitlement Rules Employees of non-small business employers can now access ten days of paid family and domestic violence leave over a 12-month period. From 1 August 2023, employees of small businesses can access the leave. Employees have had an entitlement to unpaid family and domestic violence leave (FDVL) […]
Are you Building Goodwill in your Business? Goodwill in accounting refers to the intangible value that a company can hold, above and beyond the pure financial value of its assets. This covers brand reputation, intellectual property, and external and internal relationships. A business that can show its goodwill in the marketplace is worth more– intangibly […]