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Stressing About Your Work/Life Balance?

Trying to get a perfect work/life balance can be a cause of stress in itself. If you are feeling the strain of building your business and maintaining your life, the good news is that stress and a productive existence can go hand in hand. Be mindful and you can find the balance that’s best for you.

How much stress is good for you?

The Yerkes-Dodson law shows that an individual’s performance increases with stress (arousal) until cortisol levels get too high. Then performance decreases again just as sharply. The secret is to stop your stress levels from sending you down the other side of the bell curve. How much is too much varies for everyone, but understanding and managing your stress levels allows you to use them for good.

How to manage your stress
  • Take Control – Feeling in control can decrease stress from harmful levels by presenting the stress causes as surmountable challenges. Get a handle on your project, tasks, or day by breaking them down into achievable goals and choosing what to prioritise.
  • Get positive – Your perception of your stress is important. Rather than leading to panic and inertia, calmly recognise the first quickening of your heart rate as something powerful, making you more alert and capable.
  • Connect – Social support reduces stress, so good relationships within a team and the wider office environment make everyone more resilient to stress.
  • Exercise – A good workout reduces bad stress and is good for the brain, heart, and lungs.
  • Sleep – Poor sleep is bad for stress levels and health, so be disciplined about getting a good night’s rest. Being exhausted will increase susceptibility to further stress and damage productivity.
If work stress is getting too much, talk to us.

We can help manage systems, technology, payroll, or other financial and administrative management. We can help with your business worries so you can get back on track.